Monday, January 10, 2022

American exceptionalism explained

 American exceptionalism.

This is not anti-American propaganda. I write based on facts. Fact 1: America is a global trouble-maker who wages wars against regimes it considers to be a threat against its industrial-military complex. Fact 2: America preaches but it does not do or act as it preaches. It wants you to follow its admonitions but it claims "exception" to its own rules. Eg. For centuries, America decimated her native Indian population and marginalised their language and culture into so-called "reservations" where the natives are confined for generations until only recently. But America preaches hatred against China, Russia, Iran, any country that it deems to be a potential threat or rival against its global hegemony. Fact 3: America preaches "freedom" of speech but hunts down its own whistleblowers as in the case of Julian Assange under the pretext of "National Security". How does this make America any different from other despotic regimes who use national security or "national interests" as a shroud to cover its misdeeds?  Fact 4: Ameirca is in decline and it knows it is in decline interminably so it tries to find ways and means to denigrate and destroy its perceived rival, namely China. America doesn't even pretend to care for the welfare of the poor and marginalised worldwide, what it does do is to hand out crumbs to needy nations and attempt regime-change through the CIA and its dirty war operatives. Fact 5: America has LONG AGO LOST its moral authority to lead the world therefore it is not fit to pretend to continue to lead the world. It cannot even manage its own massive homelesness, drugs, gun culture, social decay problems so how can it lead anyone? A former classmate of mine showed me a link to a PBS video denigrating China for its alleged human rights abuses. Fine. But what about America's own human rights abuses? What is good for the goose is clearly not good for the gander. Hypocrites.   

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Hear us Roar?

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. 

Yes it is 06 January today and we are fast into the new year with some predicting a global runaway inflation and economic mayhem this evil 2022 the year of our Lord. It sure looks pretty gloomy with prices of most essentials and foodstuffs rising globally amid unresolved supply chain bottlenecks. Meanwhile, the government of Ismail Sabri has had to contend with floods and missing ministers who took year end leave only to be summoned home to help Malaysians suffering from the floods. The government's response has been to give handouts again though thankfully the EPF is left alone this time. Once GE 15 is called and it has to be called by June 2023, the government which is expected to win hands-down will likely turn its attention to reviving the economy and its revenue base so what better way to collect more monies than to re-introduce the Goods and Services Tax (GST)? After all, our neighbour downsouth is revising upwards their GST rate from 7% to 9% soon since it is mid-term for the singapore govt and therefore there is no better time to raise taxes than now. I am thinking that post GE 15, GST in the region of 4-5% for Malaysia will be the case for us. Alrighty then, bring it on, 2022.