Contrary to some who perceive rather unsympathetically saudara wahid’s recent assertions that the malays lag behind the non-malays and hence need a more level playing field in terms of employment and economic opportunities to catch up with the other races (ie the minorities in Malaysia), I for one take wahid at face value and i am supportive of such initiatives. Indeed, it is in the best interests of us non-malays to see a strong and prosperous malay middle class emerge in malaysia so if we can play our part to facilitate a greater and more stable Malaysia, why not, i ask. The main stumbling block to this however, is the skills set that the malay employee or business associate brings to the table. It isn’t for want of opportunity but for want of better linguistic and business sense that the malays are excluded from the dynamic growth engines in Malaysia’s economy. Young malays in particular must equip themselves with a progressive mindset and knowledge so that they are attractive employment options and not just stick to the old herd. To do this, we need to revamp Our education system by emphasising a curriculum That places strong emphasis on the mastery of both the Malay and English languages as was intended by our founding fathers. Once the political will to do this asserts itself and a new crop Of young progressive and open minded malays come to the fore, believe me, they will be snapped up like hotcakes. Do Not be content with wallowing in self-pity and looking at others with jealousy or seething resentment but do seize the various government jnitiatives to better yourselves. Then and only then will you be the towering malays the world will universally respect and accept.
Saturday, March 2, 2024
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