We practise gloss-nost. Gloss-nost as opposed to former Soviet Premier and Cold War liberator Mr Mikhail Gorbachev's Glasnost, does not mean open-ness transparency and reform. Gloss-nost here means a glossing over what is the surface of things, a shallow-ness in approach to things, the touching of surface level only without going into the substance of matters. For example, 1Malaysia as espoused by the government of late to mean one-ness of all Malaysians united and strong. But then on the other hand, politicians including a former premier have come out fighting for the rights of one race above all others. They struggle for one race and no one else. They are not bothered by what the other races think. They espouse the Mastery of the one race. This sloganeering and putting forth of empty platitudes has become a regular feature of every new government to come into power in Malaysia. Gloss-nost.
But Gloss-nost is not merely confined to the Malaysian government. It cuts across the political divide to include members of the Opposition. For example, Beyonce's concert to Malaysia. Certain elements in PAS protest on "moral grounds". They object that Beyonce's dressing, the showing of flesh, her act will be suggestive in some ways and will tend to corrupt Malaysian youth. Nevermind that Beyonce is a highly talented singer who was invited to sing at the US President's Inauguration Ball where she was watched by millions to be in tears while rendering a heart-felt version of Ella Fitzgerald's "At Last" as newly-elected and the first-ever black American President Barack Obama waltzed to the tune with First Lady Michelle Obama. Nevermind that other notable US-based singers such as Gwen Stefani have obliged us, bending over backwards as it seems, to tone down on their dressing and acts, to cover up more flesh in our humid and warm tropical climate if only just to suit Malaysian cultural mores. Nevermind that the concert is only open to those who actually buy tickets to go and watch it, the vast majority of whom will be adults and not a few non-Muslims. Nevermind that Malaysia is a multi-ethnic, multi-religious country. The views of the vocal stupid few based on the narrowest most shallow/superficial interpretation of religion, never mind the substance, is to cow all else into submission. Gloss-nost.
The Auditor-General's 2008 report as expected, brings to light more instances of over-charging and rampant corruption in government disbursements and spending. How else do you account for an out-of-date-model laptop that costs RM42,320(equivalent to US$12,513 at today's exchange rate), purchased stools that don't match with contracted specifications, government vehicles' maintenance over 3 times the market rates charges, etc etc etc? But I fully expect that nothing will be done to rectify this problem. A few sympathetic and "tut-tut" statements from the top echelons of government shall be enough to re-assure us that, rest assured, the government FIRMLY DISAPPROVES of such profligate waste of public funds. Perhaps a slap on the wrist or a show trial of one or two expendable small fries will be thrown in for good measure. Just to show what's been done. The prosecuted will also likely be found not guilty at the end of the day. Everyone is happy, case closed. Wait until next year's Auditor General's Report and see lah. Business as usual in the meantime. Gloss-nost.
It's ok, waste of public funds? Believe you me, the government is a money tree and there's plenty plenty plenty more where those come from, my friend. The pool of tax payers/funds is seemingly inexhaustible.
Gloss-nost is a way of life in Malaysia. We don't need to think very much thanks to Gloss-nost. We can remain rent-collectors, dividend drawers, expect to be paid for doing nothing thanks to Gloss-nost. We have the most wonderful PR job in the world to depict our happy little country as living in a perpetual summer of racial harmony and communal bliss and all other nations are oh so eager to emulate our fine example. We shall teach them a thing or two. About Gloss-nost.
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