Thursday, August 26, 2010
stupid headmaster
it's annoying to hear school headmasters say stupid things like whose country this is and who are immigrants and "go back to your country". I don't pay much attention to people who are weak in the head but anyway this stupidity should not go unchallenged and un-punished. They should sack people who say outrageous things, cut off their pensions and i don't mean take leave of absence for a couple of weeks. If i were the student, i'd walk up to that headmaster and punch the stupid cunt in the face.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Suffer the little children
LATELY there have been many reported cases of baby dumping, some babies being killed after they are dumped in a dump site. It's sad beyond belief. The solution to this problem is not to lower the marriageable age of teenagers from 18 to 16. We can't have kids trying to raise babies when they can't even take care of themselves let alone assume the responsibilities of parenthood. What the government should do instead is to help open up more clinics where babies can be left in a specially prepared cot in privacy whilst protecting the anonymity of the mother at the same time. Look, there are LOTS of childless married couples and people who want to adopt babies. By providing these centres where unwanted babies can be left and then attended to and cared for and then put up for adoption legally, the authorities would be dealing with the problem in the best possible way. The problem of baby dumping is a face problem. Unmarried mothers are afraid to lose face and be socially stigmatized over their unplanned pregnancy. It is unfortunate that our culture puts a premium on face rather than happiness, but at the end of the day, since we can't change our culture, we have to find ways to mitigate its worst effects. So having these baby clinics would be a step in the right direction.
Internet Filter Study

NUTBALLS! The government has commissioned KPMG an accounting and advisory firm, to conduct a study on the feasibility of introducing an internet filter in Malaysia's surfdom. I knew they were going to get their slimey paws on the internet and fuck it up good. Like they've fucked up pretty much anything they've gotten a hold off. Hey you dungoos, the internet is the last remaining bastion of freedom in uptight Malaysia and if you deign fit to censor it, you are telling investors and the rest of the world to by-pass malaysia. This does not bode well for my digestive system.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
DO you ever get the feeling that life as we know it can be summarized in a nutshell -that life is generally shitty and the shitty-ness spills over from the current generation to the next generation ad inifinitum, ad nauseum? I keep coming across people with unresolved problems and what they do is to re-gurgitate all over their kids. It's not just financial woes, but things like dysfunctional families, unhealthy cultures, bad habits, addictions, the negative mores of lives spent mostly in drudgery and misery. I don't want to sound too negative (maybe i do sound too negative) but there you have it. What breaks the vicious cycle? Jesus! (said in gladness and not in vain)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
the curse of easy wealth
Malaysia is one of those countries with many natural resources concentrated within its geographical boundaries. So much so that for many years we have been a major exporter of tin, rubber, cocoa, palm oil to name but a few primary commodities. Then the 80s and mahathir's social/economic re-engineering of Malaysia brought forth a spurt in industrialisation, some may argue of the less caring kind. It was also during the 80s that our petroleum resources were more fully exploited making Petronas the sole custodian of our nation's mineral fossil fuel wealth. It has been so that currently almost half of the government's total revenue comes from oil. Alarm bells have been rung and the slew of subsidy-reduction measures recently taken are efforts to forestall the erosion in revenue when the day of reckoning comes and we are well and truly out of the black stuff (oil). Perhaps we have had it easy for way too long, blessed with an abundance of natural wealth, that we suddenly find it hard to wake up and stare at the hard cold facts in the light of day. But all reckonings do come and they have to faced, whether with resolute determination or being rueful of a past that has all but vanished too quickly.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Wherefore art thou, leader of the free world?

I'VE ALWAYS been fascinated with America. Maybe it's because i was a child of the cold war, read news articles during the 80s about Mr Nyet and the bad old USSR and the USA under Ronald Reagan saving us all from the "Red Menace". But then again, politics will be politics and the winds do change. Right now the wind blows towards China. I'm not sure that i like the Motherland that much, having a first-hand experience of what her culture has to offer. I'm still pretty much Amerikkka-centric, and i don't know if my peers feel the same way, but i believe that the best hopes for the free world still lies with the US-of-A. I was disappointed in the Bush junior presidency as i thought that Dubya Bush was just a privileged scion of the Bush Dynasty with zero brains on the table (as far as I can tell). Bush junior was all gung-ho minus substance. As opposed to Bill Clinton's presidency. And the current president His Obama-ness has so far come across as a good man but a bit soft. I'd like Obma to live up to people's MAIN expectations of the man whom they elected by a landslide to be the leader of the free world and do more to revive the American economy. I'd like America to remain number 1. Because i still trust in the good old US of A. I hope my trust is not misplaced?
Monday, August 9, 2010
An Open letter to any kind-hearted and generous investors out there
PLEASE come and invest in our stock market, our industries, our economy. We haven't had a half-decent Initial Public Offering in years and the much touted IPOs that have passed are but teensy-weensy insignificant has-beens of companies stripped of their most valuable assets. Many good quality listed companies are being taken private by people not much interested in our stock market (and who can blame them)? Basically, what we have is a lemons market. And there is so much money going abroad and not coming back that we're basically almost broke. Or we would be but for the saving grace of our balance-of-payments and trade surplus. And oil. And so, without much further ado...HAYEEELP!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Murder Incorporated
There has been a disturbing trend of late. People murdered ruthlessly by what appears to be contract killers. The latest case is that of former Selangor state assemblyman Datuk Abdul Aziz Mohd Noh and his female aide, Siti Rohana Ismat, both gunned down bullet-in-the-head style and their bodies found in Siti Rohana's car along the North-South Highway near Sungei Buloh, Selangor. Although police have not officially ruled out suicide, it would be strange for a man who is scheduled to attend a function and who was on his way to that function, to suddenly take his own life and that of his aide. This is but one among many cases of late and it seems to be increasing in frequency and blatantness.
One of God's 10 commandments is simply this: "Thou shalt not kill". To those who kill or worse, those who give the order to kill, i have this to say to you: You may get away with murder in this life, but you will certainly be made to account for your actions in the hereafter. What will you say when you stand before God and He asks why you have killed one of his children? All of us will perish someday. As you lie on your deathbed, as life ebbs away from you, you will be very very very frightened of what is to come. And it is JUST that you are stricken with terror at your deathbed just as you caused so much pain and anguish to the survivors of your victims who were a father, a mother, a husband, a brother, a sister and a wife to their loved ones. What will you say then, as you are about to meet your Maker? Nothing. And by ordering the death of or by killing another human being, you have condemned yourself to death. Why resolve problems this way? Is there not a better solution? Surely there must be one. Nothing warrants the taking of another life, however deserving of death that person may seem. The final terror is not that of your victim, but yours alone. And that is a terror that no man is able to bear.
One of God's 10 commandments is simply this: "Thou shalt not kill". To those who kill or worse, those who give the order to kill, i have this to say to you: You may get away with murder in this life, but you will certainly be made to account for your actions in the hereafter. What will you say when you stand before God and He asks why you have killed one of his children? All of us will perish someday. As you lie on your deathbed, as life ebbs away from you, you will be very very very frightened of what is to come. And it is JUST that you are stricken with terror at your deathbed just as you caused so much pain and anguish to the survivors of your victims who were a father, a mother, a husband, a brother, a sister and a wife to their loved ones. What will you say then, as you are about to meet your Maker? Nothing. And by ordering the death of or by killing another human being, you have condemned yourself to death. Why resolve problems this way? Is there not a better solution? Surely there must be one. Nothing warrants the taking of another life, however deserving of death that person may seem. The final terror is not that of your victim, but yours alone. And that is a terror that no man is able to bear.
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