Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wherefore art thou, leader of the free world?

I'VE ALWAYS been fascinated with America. Maybe it's because i was a child of the cold war, read news articles during the 80s about Mr Nyet and the bad old USSR and the USA under Ronald Reagan saving us all from the "Red Menace". But then again, politics will be politics and the winds do change. Right now the wind blows towards China. I'm not sure that i like the Motherland that much, having a first-hand experience of what her culture has to offer. I'm still pretty much Amerikkka-centric, and i don't know if my peers feel the same way, but i believe that the best hopes for the free world still lies with the US-of-A. I was disappointed in the Bush junior presidency as i thought that Dubya Bush was just a privileged scion of the Bush Dynasty with zero brains on the table (as far as I can tell). Bush junior was all gung-ho minus substance. As opposed to Bill Clinton's presidency. And the current president His Obama-ness has so far come across as a good man but a bit soft. I'd like Obma to live up to people's MAIN expectations of the man whom they elected by a landslide to be the leader of the free world and do more to revive the American economy. I'd like America to remain number 1. Because i still trust in the good old US of A. I hope my trust is not misplaced?

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