All my life i've been in the middle of a big row which i didn't start and which probably wouldn't end even after i'm gone, to wit, the eternal rivalry between the English-educated and the Chinese-educated. i am English-ed and i have friends who are English-ed who hate the Chinese-ed with a passion. And vice-versa. Personally, i don't understand what is the big deal. Both my parents are Chinese-ed and i can speak Chinese though i can't read or write Chinese save for a few simple chinese characters and my own chinese name. The reason that i was educated in English was simply because English was and still is, the language of international commerce, science, culture etc and it was thought then that this would be better for my future advancement. Nothing personal here and no loyalties questioned. I was often left feeling puzzled by the depth of the animosity that flares up now and again. Recently Singapore's Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew riled up the feelings of Chinese-ed everywhere by saying that he regretted not having closed down Nanyang University earlier and that "Nan-tah" graduates were effectively student "bums" whose quality had deteriorated beyond the point of no return by the time action was taken to close down that university. And before that, professor Khoo Kay Kim on the Malaysian side said that Chinese-ed students were nothing better than copy cats with not an original thought between the lot of them. There is a lot of bad feeling stirred up by talk like this and i wonder why the Minister Mentor talks like he does sometimes. Or Professor Khoo for that matter. What is the point of opening up old wounds? Does it matter in what language you were educated? I thought we left that all behind us after both countries across the causeway declared their independence from Britain back in the 50s and 60s. I can get along just fine with both the English-ed and the Chinese-ed without having these animosities which by the way are quite quite meaningless, brought up. Now that China is on the ascendency, i suppose some people might think that the Chinese-ed may or may not have a few "old scores" to settle with the English-ed. I don't know if i am correct in this but it seems that people are re-opening old wounds maybe precisely because of China's pre-eminent position in world affairs today. I personally don't feel threatened by China's ascendency and i don't see why anyone should. Things change. China today may be a different place 50 years from now. I hope. I don't appreciate the current system of government in China and i don't appreciate some of the things that the Chinese government does such as internet censorship, but so do lots of other people, Chinese or non-Chinese. But i wouldn't go so far as to say that just because someone is educated in Chinese that their qualifications are therefore somehow inferior. The Japanese study in their own language and they have mastered western technology very well. In fact, they beat the west at their own game. I think learning one's own mother-tongue is something to be encouraged, not demeaned or belittled. Whatever but please must the old
feud carry on and on and on and on ad nauseum? I'm really getting sick and tired of it.
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