The recent hoohah over the word "Allah" has culminated in a court decision upholding free speech and then the government stepping in to appeal against the high court's decision, obtaining a stay of execution without objection from the Herald lawyers then protests after Friday prayers at the National Mosque and Kampung Baru and then damage to properties all in the Klang valley. The government was quick to move in to stem the damage and offer police protection to all churches though there was little that police could do to stop sporadic isolated acts of violence and damage to cars etc that bore Christian stickers.
Allah or Tuhan or God or Jehovah or YHWH or whatever that we chose to call the Almighty, would probably be amused that his fan club here on earth has gone out fighting for who's right it is to use one particular version of His name.
At issue is the question of free speech and tolerance. The word Allah has been used by native east Malaysian Christians for years before the recent hoohah with no problems. No one cared. The worries now are mostly west Malaysian, typically the conservative, fervent, mostly young malay muslims who object to its use mainly because they fear that it will lead the faithful astray. But what's in a name? When Jacob wrestled the Angel and the Angel was overcome, Jacob asked the Angel what was his name to which the Angel (God in disguise) replied: "why do you want to know My name? It is too wonderful to know". But no, we must give Him a name and that name shall be the holy of holies. OK i can accept that us human beings lack the capacity to understand many things, more so things divine. But the real victims of this past week's violence albeit tame in comparison to other countries, is the body blow to moderates across the racial and religious divide. Just a small miniscule minority of muslims are responsible for the violence but the damage to the image of Islam has been done. Islam will more than ever be viewed as a religion of intolerance and violence due to these few rotten apples. As usual, the victims here are the moderates be they moderate Muslims or moderate Christians.
God, Allah, Tuhan, YHWH, whatever that you chose to call Him, is just fine. He doesn't need your muscle to back him up. Thanks but really, no thanks.
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