Sunday, May 5, 2013

the stick or the carrot?

the results of the 13th general elections disappointed not a few and yet was quite typically Malaysian. People voted along racial lines, with the Malays mostly rooting for the government while the Chinese solidly behind the Opposition. A few thoughts on the aftermath of this elections. One, retaliation and punishment against the ungrateful Chinese by excluding yet more ministries from the new government line-up from ethnic Malaysian Chinese participation and the beginning of a more hardline policy against Chinese independent schools and other issues affecting the community. Or, on a more optimistic note, the government does a post-mortem of its failure to retain Chinese support and it reaches out even more to the Chinese community by accommodating Chinese concerns. I would be foolish to believe the latter. So, let's brace ourselves for the worst scenario. Hard ball time. I hope that this doesn't mean yet more ethnic Chinese migrating overseas.  

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