Thursday, July 1, 2010

flowers blooming

Last weekend i bought some fish to prepare for my infant daughter's porridge. It was good expensive fish, "Or Her" (in Hokkien). Normally my wife would prepare it by scooping out its flesh and packing it in bite-size portions using clear/transparent plastic wrapping. This time i decided to give it a go myself. It was hard work scooping out the fish using a steel tablespoon and my hands smelled heavily of fish afterwards. After i was done, there were some leftover fish skin, bits of flesh, bones and fish head. Instead of throwing these away, i decided to bury them in my potted plants as fertiliser. So using my bare hands, i buried bits and pieces of fish skin flesh bones and head in 4 selected potted plants. That was about 5 days ago. Today when i inspected the 4 potted plants i was gratified to see that they had ALL sprouted tiny flowers as if to show their appreciation for the fish fertilizer. It has been raining for a few days so by now the fish remains would have putrefied and its juices mingled into the plants' soil. Everyone of the plants now have tiny flowers starting to sprout out and they will bloom into beautiful flowers not very long from now.

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