Thursday, August 19, 2010

Suffer the little children

LATELY there have been many reported cases of baby dumping, some babies being killed after they are dumped in a dump site. It's sad beyond belief. The solution to this problem is not to lower the marriageable age of teenagers from 18 to 16. We can't have kids trying to raise babies when they can't even take care of themselves let alone assume the responsibilities of parenthood. What the government should do instead is to help open up more clinics where babies can be left in a specially prepared cot in privacy whilst protecting the anonymity of the mother at the same time. Look, there are LOTS of childless married couples and people who want to adopt babies. By providing these centres where unwanted babies can be left and then attended to and cared for and then put up for adoption legally, the authorities would be dealing with the problem in the best possible way. The problem of baby dumping is a face problem. Unmarried mothers are afraid to lose face and be socially stigmatized over their unplanned pregnancy. It is unfortunate that our culture puts a premium on face rather than happiness, but at the end of the day, since we can't change our culture, we have to find ways to mitigate its worst effects. So having these baby clinics would be a step in the right direction.

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